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Shopify setup

This guide will walk you through everything you need to set up Shopify for a headless integration.

Signup as Shopify partner

Start by signing up as a Shopify Partner. This gives you access to create and manage development stores without needing a paid plan. Once your store is ready, you can easily transition it to a live environment.

Create a development store

  1. Go to Stores
  2. Click Add store > Create developemnt store
  3. Select Create a store for a client and fill in the rest of the information
  4. Click Create development store

Now your development store is ready to use.

Get storefront API keys

Get the storefron API keys to access all the data from the NextJS frontent.

  1. Go to your Shopify admin panel

  2. Navigate to Settings > Apps and sales channels

  3. Click Create an app

  4. Name your app (e.g., “Headless”)

  5. Click Configure Storefront API scopes

  6. Enable necessary permissions:

    unauthenticated_read_product_listings unauthenticated_read_product_inventory unauthenticated_read_customer_tags unauthenticated_read_content

  7. Save and install the app.

  8. Under API Credentials, copy the Storefront API Access Token (this will be used in your Next.js app).

  9. Copy the API Access Token and paste it to the .env.local for SHOPIFY_STOREFRONT_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN

Your store is now connected, if correctly setup you should be able to see your products in the frontend.